Sunday, September 6, 2009

Katie Nowinski: The Textbook Definition

Who am I? How can I define myself for the entire world (well, the portion of the world to whom this blog is available to)? Well, firstly, I am a student. I am not a philosopher; I am not a writer; I am not a scientist; I typically try to avoid definitions of this variety. I feel there will always be others more qualified than you; therefore, I do not think you should be permitted to define yourself using the same terms. Hence, there will always be more for me to learn, and the only thing I can truly define myself as is a perpetual student. My interests lie mainly in acting and theatre arts, reading, meeting interesting people and hearing their stories, history, going on adventures, pretending, making up games, and bopping around. Thus far during my lifetime, I have been a classical "overachiever". I have involved myself in extracurricular activities, made fair marks, followed a schedule of the most advanced courses, and gone above and beyond in excelling while doing it all. I was the Drum Major of the marching band, the President of the National Honor Society, Senior General Managing Editor of my school's literary magazine, I took six AP classes, I attended an advanced math/science/technology program offered by the county, I have acted since I was six years old, and participated in my school's program, as well as in several community theatre troupes, and I volunteered regularly. I have an amazing, eclectic group of friends, and a really strong support system. Mostly, however, I do not want to be viewed on terms of what I have done, but on who I am. I really just love to absorb information, whether it is from reading a new book, script, or arcticle, or watching the history channel with my mumma, I enjoy learning more than anything.

Another thing contributing to my definition of self is that this past year I decided to change my total point of view from what it had been traditionally. I am not sure why this change directly resulted, maybe it came from the disappointment of being rejected by eight of the ten colleges I applied to, or possibly from just evolving and changing my priorities as a natural course of action, but either way, it occurred. I no longer see school and learning in the same way. Whereas I used to learn to "get the A" or have positive comments on my report card, this year, I stopped caring. Instead of learning what was given to me to have a good score on my test, I learned it for the sake of learning it and trying to get as much as I could from the information presented to me. I no longer cared about being graded; I cared more about expanding myself and growing as a person, and that outlook has led me to my current position. I am much happier and enjoy things much more. Being a student is not so much a daunting academic task for me, but it is now a defining term; I am a student of others, myself, and life.

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